Vancouver, BC – March 09, 2013

This was a very emotional run for me. Maggie is getting older (she was about 9 years old at the time of this run) and I was getting more and more nervous taking her with me for the long distance runs (more than few miles). I am always afraid that she will not complain, just go until she falls down and I always try to pay attention to any signs that this is too much for her. She was doing well generally so, I figured we can go one last time for a long (~9 mile) run.
It was early march, warm weather, and perfect day for a long run. I got my camera, and Maggie and I went towards the Stanley Park. It ended up being a great run and Maggie did well. We stopped few times for her to drink water. Running pace was about 8 minute mile for the entire time. I got a lot of good pictures of scenery, our reflection in the glass and even asked some people to take pictures of me and Maggie running in the park. They probably thought I was crazy.