Tag Archives: Ontario

London, Ontario – July 12, 2015

I was in London for a virology meeting. This was the first time I was in Ontario; so naturally, I wanted to use this opportunity to run there. Before arriving, I used Google maps to plan my run and found a trail that goes by the river (Thames River of course).
From my hotel (Hilton on King St.), I run West to the Ivey Park and then over the King St. bridge. From there I found my way to Terry Fox Parkway and run along the river for few miles, then went back exactly the same way. During my stay there, I went running twice, approximately 7 miles each time. My speed was not great though, I barely averaged ~ 9-minute mile. I had my camera with me and I took few pictures of the trail and the river. Turns out that this Thames River is quite different than the one in England.