Tag Archives: France

Paris, France – August 30, 2014

I went running in Paris several times before, but have never recorded it. This time, I had my GPS unit with me and I was ready. I stayed with my family, just outside the city limits, near the river Seine.

I went along the railroad track towards the Seine and crossed the river at the Pont d’Asnières. Once on the other side, I went west towards the Bois de Boulogne. Instead of going all the way to the Boulogne forest, I crossed a short bridge to Île de la Grande Jatte, a small island on the river Seine. It was quite interesting place to run, nice quiet neighborhoods and great views of the river in the early morning. I went all the way around the island, then back to Pont de Courbevoie which took me to the north side of the river. From there, I run straight back to Cliché and back along the railroad track to my starting point.

That was a nice 6.3 mile run, but rather slow (it took me almost an hour). I had my camera with me which was great as I was treated to an incredible sunrise.

Toulouse, France – August 29, 2014

I was in Toulouse visiting a friend. This was my first time in this city, so naturally, a great opportunity to run in a new place. Since I stayed very near the Garonne river, I just run straight to the river and then along the path (river walk?) that is on top of the levee, heading in SE direction. I went along the river to the Pont Neuf (New Bridge) where I crossed to the other side. As a side note, “new” bridge was built in the 16th Century.
After crossing the bridge, I tried to just get back to the river walk (assuming that it would be same as it was on the other side). Somehow I must have missed a turn or two, so I ended up going back and forth through small streets trying to maintain the sense of direction and then got completely lost at the Hospital La Grave campus (what a name for a hospital!) (see the trail below). Eventually I found my way back to the river walk which took me to A620 Bridge and back to my starting point.
The total length of this run was 4.9 miles at leisurely 7mph.

Toulouse Run, August 29, 2014, 4.9 miles
Toulouse Run, August 29, 2014, 4.9 miles