Tag Archives: Green Lake

Seattle, WA – January 16, 2017

It’s been a while since I took sunrise pictures while running around Green Lake. I must say that the GL sunrise pictures I took over the years, are probably some of the most spectacular pictures I’ve ever taken. During the winter months, I mostly run in the pitch darkness since days are rather short. Slowly but surely though, the Sun is coming out earlier and earlier. This picture was taken at the very end of my run, probably close to 7 am.
I am still getting used to running by myself. Maggie is having more and more trouble walking, so running is out of question for her. For a while we used to run around the neighborhood during our walk before my GL run, but even that is not possible any more.
She loves coming to lake though, so whenever I have time, I drive with her down to the lake, and then back up. She is fine to walk by the lake for a while, but her hind legs are way too weak for climb up to Phinney Ridge.

Seattle, WA – April 28, 2015

We had another good run around the Green Lake. This time of the year, when we go out at our regular time (6-7), we are there just in time to watch the sun come out. At times, the colors of the sunrise are just breathtaking. This time, we stopped by the dock so that Maggie can look at the ducks. As always, she was on the leash, so no duck chasing, but it seemed to me that she enjoys, pointing.

Seattle, WA – March 06, 2015

As Maggie is getting older, most days we either walk through the neighborhood, or go for a short run on the ridge. She really likes to go to the lake though, so every now and then, when we go out, she just pulls towards the lake which I take as a sign that she feels good and is OK to go for a longer run. Those are the good days. At this time of the year, we often have very pretty sunrises, so I usually take my camera with me as well.

Seattle, WA – February 02, 26 2014

As Maggie is getting older, we are not running as often or as far as we used to do. This year, she is turning 10 in April! I’ve decided to take it easy on her so we do not go to the lake as often as we did. She still seems to like it, and seems to be doing well with the occasional 4 mile run. Some days, Maggie and I only go walking/running for a mile or two run around the neighborhood, then we go back home and I go around the Green Lake by myself. I hate to do this, but I am afraid to push her too hard.
As you have probably figured by now, Seattle has very beautiful sunrises. Sometimes however, they are just breathtaking and seem out of this world. That was the case on February 26, 2014. Maggie and I got to the lake and got treated to almost incredible color display. See for yourself…

Seattle, WA – September 20, 2013

As the days are getting shorter, it is getting darker and darker during our runs. Still, from time to time, depending on the weather, Maggie and I get our morning dose of spectacular display of natural beauty.
When we started this run, it was dark and the Moon was setting. As we were going around the lake, it was slowly getting lighter and the sky was turning red. By the time we were on our way back home (around quarter to 7), we had bright red clouds on the horizon.

Seattle, WA – August 26, 2013

It seems that no matter how many times we run at Green Lake, each time it looks different and each time it is absolutely amazing. The exception to this might be total early morning darkness during the winter months, but during the spring/summer/fall the scenery is amazing.
Maggie and I went for our regular 4 mile run on August 26 and were treated to really special sunrise. I had my camera with me, so I was able to record this spectacular sunrise.

Seattle, WA – August 22, 2013

In August, the sunrise is perfectly timed so that Maggie and I get the most incredible display of colors when we run. No wonder I have so many entries here from August.
While I love running, it can be hard sometimes to get motivated to get out of the bed and go. I know that almost always, once I start, it will be an enjoyable experience, but still, on some days, it takes a lot of mental power to achieve a transition from under-the-blanket-with-your-eyes-closed to running-on-a-pavement state. Anything I can use to help that is welcome. When I first open my eyes and peek through the window, it if seems like we will have another one of those sunrise light shows, I just grab my camera and go out as fast as I can.
Total distance for this run is about 4 miles as usual. Most of the time, I run 7:30 to 8:30 minute per mile.

Seattle, WA – April 6, 2013

Days are getting longer, fast and now the sun is completely up by the time we get to the lake. Most of my runs here from April to September are with the sun up, high in the sky.
Today, Maggie and I went running with Oliver in a bob stroller. He really liked zooming around the Green Lake early in the morning at the breathtaking 7 miles per hour.

Seattle, WA – March 25, 2013

Maggie and I used to run around Green Lake at least 4-5 times per week for years. Still, each morning, each sunrise is different and we find something new to enjoy. It was late March, the days were getting longer the spring was in the air and the mountain was out. On days like that, I try to remember to bring my camera and take pictures. We were treated to a very fiery sunrise, great views of the Mt Rainier and a lot of flowers on the trees.

Seattle, WA – January 01, 2013

What better way to start a new year than with a run? I love running on January 1st, but it is not often that I manage to actually do it. Maggie is usually freaked out by fireworks most of the night for the New Years, so neither one of us gets much sleep. It is very difficult to run after just few hours of sleep.

Still, this year, we managed to get out and run at our favorite place, Green Lake. It was chilly, but nice morning. Moon was about ¾ full. Sun was just coming up and we made great pictures of the lake. On one of them you can see the Space Needle in the distance.

Seattle, WA – November 15, 2012

I love beautiful, fiery sunrises and I love foggy days. Combine those two things and you have a quite spectacular run.
Maggie and I went out at our normal time, around 6 am and run down to the Green Lake. It was quite foggy, but as we were completing our run, the fog thinned out on the east side and we could see an awesome sunrise. Good thing, I had my camera with me.
Total run was our usual, 4 miles.

Green Lake (Seattle, WA) – July 29, 2007

I used to live in Ravenna neighborhood in Seattle. During that time, Maggie and I would run to the Green Lake, go all the way around and run back. This route was 5.7 miles and was a great way to start our day. Maggie loves to run around the Green Lake (squirrels!), and the part on the streets was not too bad either since we always went early in the morning before the rush hour. Some days, we would also go to the lake after work and go around again (we drove to the lake, and then walked around).

Most mornings, from our apartment, we ran west on N 65th Street then on Ravenna Boulevard to Green Lake Park. Once at the lake, we ran counter clock wise, came up the N 64th Street, and then go east on N 65th Street all the way back home.

Green Lake Run July 29, 2007
Green Lake Run July 29, 2007